Monday, April 7, 2008

who ain't i? (intro)

I knew if i wrote this introduction, it would seem like having got an inspiration from Chetan Bhagat. But then, never mind, if there is a truth, it is there to be recorded! It must have been an evening in the third week of last december as far as I remember. I was walking down a lonely lane by the side of a silent lake, with a friend. Having finished my final year exams just a day before, i actually found myself stranded in the twilight zone between elation and anxiety! But this person's company as usual was very comforting and I was making some small talk about whatever came to my mind. However, somewhere through the talk, something made me speak a lot about me, my life, that day! Quite an unforgettable day it was. For one, it made me find out a real special friend in my life! and Two, it gave me my second novel!!!

Excerpts from the talk in bits and pieces, as it flashes in my memory:

"so what are u gonna do?"

" lots.. like start writing again!"

" wow... really?"

" yeah, i want to... but am worried about my vocabulary!"

" stop it! yours is fine only!"

" its not.. you ll realise it only if u sit and think. mine is getting bad"

" whatever, its just an excuse!"

" I need to do some home work then! my laziness is well known"

" I ll tell you something, your 'licence to live' was brilliant!both content and vocabulary wise. but a bit too sentimental"

" hmmm.. but that happened just out of the blue! i couldnt control it"

" well, thats ok. you need not use the most uncommon words for writing a novel. you just have to make the person feel what you intend to.

" yeah, seems logical!"

"i feel you must give a master piece next year!"

" hmmmm... master piece? ha ha fat chance!"

" well, what are you thinking of writing next? "

" second novel? havent thought of a subject yet!"

" really?! dont you have any ideas?"

" ideas? yeah, quite a handful of them. But nothing so convincing that i am sure about!"

" hmmmm... why dont u first decide on something!"

" I am not getting the inspiration, you know! The theme, I mean!"

" how do u get the inspiration actually!"

" ha ha. good question. usually by looking around! the world around me gives me a theme to expand on!"


" so you arent getting anything that excites you enough!"


silence again.

" why do you always look for inspiration around!?"

"... err.. what do you mean?"

" why do are searching around, when you have it in you!"


" you are the inspiration! why dont u think on these lines..."

" well... interesting!"

" why dont u write about your life? i mean, based on your experiences in life!"

" I... you mean me? will it be that exciting on paper? "

" why cant it be. yours is a roller coaster ride for sure! even with little as i know, i can tell that for sure"

" but, you know, i cant come out with every other side of my personal life!"

" you need not. Take your artistic liberties in that. Just base it on your true experiences!"

" kind of semi-fiction, you mean?!"

" exactly! "

" but that demands lots and lots of work!"

" a good novel demands it, right!?"

" i cant do justice to it, without writing some 500+ pages!"

" do justice then! : ) "

" will a linear story telling strategy work out. will the story board create interest at all!"

" hey, you are the author. you must make it innovative..."

" hmmm... well let me think!"

" your life is like full of twists! make those more exciting!"

" great! i got it!"

" whats that?"

" suspence!"

" for me? you....."

" yeah for you too..."

" go to hell!"

well, i took a paper and drew some lines on it.

" its a clue on the strategy am going to use for this one. read it if u can!"

" lemme see it.. hmmm.. int..resting! maybe i can guess!"

" keep guessing! hey, will someone have the patience or confidence in me to read such a huge novel, however exciting i make it!"

" true.. thats an issue to be sorted out!"


" it ll take a long time too! "

" yeah, with your kind of schedule, its gonna be tough! very tough, to be frank! you should make sure you shouldnt stop in the middle!"

" hmmm..."

" so...!"

" i have got it. a single solution for both the problems!"


" i am not gonna write it! "

" what? ... shit"

" yeah, i m not gonna write it! i am gonna blog it!"

" wowww..."

" true, it going to be a big one. But i m going to blog it in parts- a chapter or half, to be updated every week or so!"

" brilliant! but you have to hold on.. the risk is that you are commiting yourself to it in public! you cant back out for lack of time!"

" i understand. i beleive i ll keep it going. and keep it exciting!"

" wonderful! start with the rough sketch and the first draft right away!"

" sure!"

" hey, i know it'll easily be your best. i ll be waiting!"

" I promise you - its gonna be a ' a biography of sorts- blending fact and fantasy!"

" biography!??"

" ya.. of a person, just like me!!! :)"